Monday, December 9, 2013

Christmas Season

Hi! Apparently in Thailand fog replaces snow for the Christmas feeling. Our family has been doing good, and Rianna moved to Coney's Home. Today Jude, Timothy, and my Thai teacher was sick so we don't have a lesson. 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Things we've been doing

We met some people that we really like and have visited with them a lot, but they have to go back to Canada on Friday. I bought the extended version if the first Hobbit movie and really liked it. Daddy is going to take me to see the second one in the theaters. Tonight is mine and dad's fun "night" (we are doing it in the afternoon this time), and we are going to go look at a mall that just opened and visit while we walk around. We found a park in the city that is really nice in the city that we go to a lot. (see the pictures)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thank you for praying

Everyone is fully recovered and doing fine. We went to a mall and a park today and Xili got a Hello Kitty plate to match her Hello Kitty cup. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Please pray

Hi, sorry I haven't written Ina long time, I'll try to keep up better. Right now Jude,Timothy, and Xili all have a stomach  bug and cold and fever (except Xili, she doesn't have a fever). Timothy's temperature is 103.6. Daddy left for Kalisin (pronounced "Galison") this morning and he is going to be back Wednesday night. Timothy's temperature just went up .2 degrees. Thank you for your prayers.  

Monday, September 2, 2013

More baby

Evangeline is 19 and 1/2 inches tall, and weighs 7.6 pounds. She was born at 5:22 exactly yesterday and she's at our house now. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Mama had the baby about 5:15. Her name is Evangeline Teresa Tyson. She hadn't had her wait checked and been measured, but she's doing fine. I'll post  wieght and hight toomarrow. Just send me an email if you have any questions at 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Fun stuff

We had a great time at the water fall today. I climbed all the way to the top.
  There was a lot more of it but that's all I got in the picture. Here's a view from the top.

Monday, July 29, 2013

We're here!

This was the Huston airport. 

This was the tv on the airplane. 
Moscow airport when we got there,
And when we left. 
Bangkok airport.
Thai coke.

Our house.
Banana tree. 
Our room.
First merry on a stick.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Moving day!

We're moving! We went to the beech yesterday and had a lot of fun. We caught a bunch of clams.
They washed up every minute of two so they were easy to catch. Next time I blogg I will be in Thailand!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Good times

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a long time but here's some of the things we've been doing. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Winning story!

This is my story: 

 Small, the little lost penguin
Small was a little penguin and he wanted to be with his mother. His father told him that he would have to wait and that they could not go to her. He remembered his mother going to get food and leaving him with his father, but he wanted to find his mother and be with her.
One day Small decided that he would go and look for his mother. He knew that he couldn't tell his father or his father wouldn't let him go. One day when there was a thin sheet of snow falling, he was able to slip away quite easily. After about half an hour he started getting quite cold. He discovered that if he curled up he would warm up very quickly. So he continued curling up every half an hour or so. The journey was long and he got very lonesome. Once he found a midge to play with, but it soon flew away.
Day after day, Small continued tracking his mother until he was miles away from the colony. One day, after a rather bad snowstorm,he saw a hawk circling above his head. He remembered his father telling him to run to a fully grown penguin if he ever saw a hawk. But now, there wasn't anyone to run to! Small panicked and ran-- smack!--right into... his mother! His mother scared away the hawk and they started their journey back to the colony.
The journey home was hard because Small's mother was young and did not know the way back. She had planned on following the other penguins. They saw a wolf once and hid in a small cave. After a few days, Small began to get worried because they had gone further than he had gone to get there. His thoughts were interrupted by a call that was not his mother's. There were more penguins about! Then, moments later, he was looking straight into the face of his father! They were home!
Small grew up to be a fine big penguin and told his story to his children and grandchildren, and they passed it on to their children and grandchildren; that is how I came to know Small's story.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


We are going to list are house with a relater, but before we did someone called and wanted to look at the house! So we ate at Great Granny's while Mama finished up at the house. While we were eating Timothy said he didn't want the top part of his chicken sandwich, so I had the idea to make a double chicken sandwich.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

This is my essay on why I should be aloud to watch the The Lord of the Rings:

I should be aloud to watch The Lord of the Rings because I am not frightened of movies. If I had nightmares, which I don't really have anymore, I know that it is not real and there is nothing to be afraid of because God is with me. I should also be able to because I have seen other PG 13 movies before. I know that it was nothing like The Lord of the Rings but that is okay because it wasn't scary at all. I have also read most of the books so I know it would be scary, but not too scary. Dad said I needed to read the books before I watched and I am.

For almost a year now I have wanted to watch The Lord of the Rings. So I think that after a read the books I should be aloud to watch. I would stop pestering people to let me watch if they let me! Then, you would have five more minutes in the day to work! And you would not have to worry about what to do for my birthday party!

I will not complain if I can't go to sleep because I am scared, though I don't think I would be scared. Like I said before, if I get scared I know that God is with me and that those things aren't real.

You might not agree with me because you say I am too young. I understand. But I do not think so. My nine year old friend watches them and says they are not scary and he is scared of cartoons that I am not scared of! So, as you see, I should be able to watch The Lord of the Rings.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Fun moments

Me and Jude got the balls stuck! Timothy learned how to ride a bike! Xili found out a new hair style, and then saw a "tornado"!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


We are having a great time Granny's house while Mama is at a doctors appointment.

Monday, March 4, 2013


Timothy found the ties in the closet and decided that he liked them!

Sunday, February 24, 2013


It is snowing!!!!!!!! Not very much, but I was thinking it might because it is cloudy and then Granny said that (we are eating waffles with Granny and Grandad) the temperature was 36.


I made a new Angry Bird! It is small and drops fire that burns the wood. I wanted to sell it to Rovio, but you can't.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Bowl

Me and Jude are watching the Super Bowl with Granny and Grandad, we like the way it is going because we are for the Ravens. The power shut of was weird!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My poem


The blades shoot up quietly
Right next to their friends
They grow so quickly
But the colorful show soon ends

Half buried in soil
They talk in small voices
But when Winter comes, the grass does spoil
Next Spring, a small shivering announces the grass

Monday, January 7, 2013

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I got to play in the snow in cloudcroft today and they are predicting snow tonight .